Oklahoma QSO Party 2024  -  March 9 and 10

Mobile Routes  


K5CM .039 - Connie and Pam (N5KW) will operate CW and SSB from MUS, OKM, MCI, CRE, LIN, OKF, POT, SEM, COA, HUG, PON, ATO, PUS.

Sunday - as needed but most likely HAS, LAT, PIT then as needed.


K5DB .038 click on Dons call to see pdf.




N5OK (N5OT) .036.5 - Mark and Rus (K2UA) will operate CW only from  here


N4CD .038.5 - Bob will be doing POTA while at the same time operating the OKQP. Saturday and Sunday


W0BH  .037  Bob and Lorna will operate SSB and CW from - Saturday: GAR, MAJ, ALF, WOO, WDW, DEW, BLA, CUS, KIN, CAN, OKL, LOG, CLE, MCL, GRA, CAD, COM, GRV, MCL.    Sunday: POT, LIN, PAY, NOB, PAW, KAY, OSA, GNT


WR5X .037.5 - Jon will operate form CHE, WAG, DEL, CRA on Saturday..... not sure about Sunday yet.


The numbers after the call are the suggested frequency... ex .036.5 would be 3536.5, or 7036.5 or 14036.5.  I'm leaving .040 open in case your frequency is in use by another group.  The ID and WI QSO Parties are also happening this weekend, so there is the potential for some conflict. Also after the RTTY sprint starts on Saturday night just shift your 40 meter frequency down 10kHz when it starts if you have QRM from RTTY.


Fixed Stations please stay .041 and above



K5ZZR - Russ will operate SSB both days from his home QTH in Okmulgee.


W5CW - Dave will be operating SSB and CW from Muskogee County.


W5TM - Ed will operate CW only from his home station in Okmulgee County.


N5NJB - Nate will operate fixed from Muskogee County on both days


WW5X - Will operate fixed from McCurtain County on both days


N5KRG - This from Kevin


KI5PC - Phillip, will operate fixed station from Kay county.



Please Email Connie Marshall K5CM (QSO party manager)   k5cm-2 at suddenlink.net   with your plans.