Oklahoma QSO Party 2025  -  March  and 9 - 2025

OKQP Just for the fun of it.

1500  - 0200 UTC on Saturday,    1500 - 2200 UTC Sunday

That would be 9 to 8 on Saturday, and 10 to 5 on Sunday, local Oklahoma time  (DST starts on this weekend)

If your an Oklahoma station please consider going mobile this year, and help get all 77 counties on in a big way!!

If you operate both Fixed and Mobile, please submit two logs and use two different call signs.

   Please submit your log, (by April 1 ) even if only for a few Q's.


 This is a summary please see Rules 2025 for all details. No FT8 is allowed, but will be included when it supports OKQP The 2025 running will continue to allow DXCC to be counted as mults by Oklahoma stations, the 13 Canadian Multipliers that most other QSO Parties are now using are available as mults.  If your software does not recognize the mults, just keep track by hand and then add them to the Cabrillo file manually after the contest is over.  

If your a mobile please operate below .040 (on CW). Consider signing with a /M, /CTY, or a space and CTY.  If your a Oklahoma fixed station please CQ .041 and above and please do NOT sign your call with a /CTY. See the rules for suggested SSB frequencies.

 For 2025:   Oklahoma Mobile stations can earn 500 points per county by making at least 10 QSO in the county.

Again this year, CW and Digital contacts will be scored separately, so you can work the same station on both CW and PSK and get credit for both modes. Only PSK, RTTY and JS8Call are allowed as digital contacts. Just to be clear, no FT8 or FT4.

Please exhibit good sportsmanship and distribute your contacts among the various mobiles. “Cheerleading”, defined as working only one mobile as they change counties, is highly discouraged. 

Be sure to use the county abbreviations shown with Counties Map. Make sure your logging software enters the correct county when you type the three letter abbreviations. Note that in the past, "GAR-Garfield / GRV-Garvin",  "GRA-Grady / GNT-Grant",  "HAR-Harmon / HRP-Harper",  "MCL-McClain / MCU-McCurtain", "ROG-Rogers / RGM-Roger Mills",  "WAS-Washington /  WAT / Washita",  "WOO-Woods / WDW-Woodward"  cause considerable confusion. Check your logging software before the contest and verify what gets entered as the county, when you type the above, three letter abbreviations.

Please use NOTEPAD.EXE or NOTEPAD++ to edit or make your Cabrillo file. DO NOT use a word processor like Microsoft word or Excel.

Please use the the Web-to-Cabrillo file maker (compliments of Bruce WA7BNM) if you need to convert your paper log to a Cabrillo file.


Please email Connie Marshall, K5CM at his qrz.com email address with any questions. If your an Oklahoma station, please share your operating plans..

73 and see you in the party,

Connie, K5CM