K5CM FMT - Jan 13, 2010 Results


Transmit frequencies in Hz


 K5CM Wednesday evening run

    80 Meters - 3578390.145 

    40 Meters - 7078320.135 

    20 Meters - 14058277.577 


  K5CM Thursday morning run

  160 Meters - 1845565.365

    80 Meters - 3579471.355

    40 Meters - 7079342.165


W6OQI West coast run

    80 Meters - 3567031.983

    40 Meters - 7067031.515



We had participation from three continents in this FMT. Ron, G3SVW submitted two good readings on the K5CM 80 and 40 meter evening runs. However, 7L4IOU, Hisami still gets the distance award at approximately 6,400 miles. It was also good to have several new guys. As always, thanks to all that participated.


Stations submitting readings on all possible bands (8):

Congratulations guys. For various reasons, this is difficult to accomplish.


k1ggi EMA




A look at all readings 10 millihertz or better:


W0PHD MN 7078320.135 7078320.135 0.000 0.00E+00
K6OQK* LAX 3567031.983 3567031.984 0.001 2.80E-10
K6BZZ AZ 3567031.983 3567031.989 0.006 1.68E-09
KD2BD NNJ 3567031.983 3567031.992 0.009 2.52E-09
K6OQK* LAX 7067031.515 7067031.516 0.001 1.42E-10
K5CM OK 7067031.515 7067031.517 0.002 2.83E-10
W3JW VA 1845565.365 1845565.369 0.004 2.17E-09
WA2DVU SNJ 1845565.365 1845565.370 0.005 2.71E-09
AA8K MI 1845565.365 1845565.370 0.005 2.71E-09
WB0LXZ KS 1845565.365 1845565.370 0.005 2.71E-09
k1ggi EMA 1845565.365 1845565.375 0.010 5.42E-09
WB0LXZ KS 7079342.165 7079342.160 -0.005 7.06E-10





N8OB OH Much better signals than the last FMT
K0PF CO 80M in the noise (S9+), very hard to copy. 40M OK, good luck to all! Thanks Connie, 73.
WA7TOF MDC 80 meters was very weak tonight here in Maryland.
AE9K IN I haven't participated in an FMT in several years so I hope I did this right.  I measured the VFO error against WWV at 2.5 and 5.0 MHz using Spectran software.  I used linear regression to find the VFO error at 3.578390 where the I think Connie's signal was and subtracted the interpolated error from the apparent frequency.  The rig used was an Elecraft K3 with a stock 5ppm TCXO.
G3SVW DX K5CM positively identified on 7 MHz at 03:00 UTC, and on 3.5 MHz at 03:15 UTC on January 14th 2010. Signal on 7 MHz was S3, on 3.5 MHz S2. G3SVW QTH Manchester, UK. Equipment used FT1000MP transceiver, dipole antenna and Hewlett-Packard 3336A frequency synthesizer. W6OQI nil heard.
W6OQI LAX 20 meter signals were S9 in Southern California.  The east beam may have been stronger than the north west beam.  40 and 80 meters were in the S5 to S6 range with the usual Doppler.
W3BC WPA I tried a new (hopefully improved) formula, but there was a surprising amount of Doppler shift on the reference stations I used. I hope it was due to more accurate measurement technique, but with as much "error" as I measured, I'm afraid it's not much better than a wild guess...
KB3MUN WPA No signal heard for either of the 13-JAN 2300 UTC 20m transmission.The 14-JAN 160m & 80m signals were faintly heard, no readable CW.My second FMT, I'm learning more about how this works with my rig.  This time I used calibration spot-checks against WWV between different FMT transmissions.  Next time, I plan to use a better calibration interpolation based on before & after WWV calibration measurements.My toolchain:  85' Grasswire at ZERO elevation >> LDG Z100 autotuner >> Kenwood TS-140S >> (more stuff) >> FLdigi v3.13AE.Thanks for the FMT.
N5DM STX Kenwood TS-480 and DigiPan v2.
K5BTK MS Thurs morning's 40m signal was great! K5CM's 80m sigs (Wed & Thurs) were good.  Everything else was weak to very faint.I read the FMT e-mail announcement just 15 minutes before the first (20m) test so had a very short warm-up.  But this time the announcement came so near the actual test that I didn't forget!  Thanks!
WA4FJC VA Missed 20 meter run, 80 M not heard on Wed, 160 M not heard on Thurs.  Using Thunderbolt, HP 3586B and HP 5335A counter.  Tnx for putting the FMT's on Connie.  73 Gordon
KØMZ KS Thanks Connie and Marvin.  Interesting propogation this time.  Both 20 meter signals were extremely weak in Kansas.  I had to tune audio pitch by ear and remember the tone to match pitch with transfer oscillator because signal was so weak that I couldn't hear any beat frequncy.  40 started S9 and ended into noise with a long fade.  80 was 40 over, good clear signal.  Marvin's 40 was not heard at all.  80 was S2 with QSB.  Connie's 160 was 40 over, very stable.  80 was also about 40 over with quite a bit of doppler.  I didn't hear any signal on 40.  I used a Hallicrafters SX73 for 160 and an Atlas 210X for 80, 40, and 20.  Transfer oscillator is Drake TR-7.  Counter is Heath IM-4100 clocked with HP 10544A tuned to WWV.  All tuning is by ear.  
N5LUL WTX Still trying to get things narrowed down. Using a Yaesu FT-920.  Brad
KD2BD NNJ Moderately good signals were copied from K5CM during the evening on 80 from the east coast of NJ, but signals were noticeably weaker than during the Fall ARRL FMT.  Marvin's signal on 80 flirted with the noise level for about half of my measurement period, which will certainly impact measurement accuracy.  Thanks to all for another challenging FMT!
VE2IQ ON Missed 20M run, other signals quite good here.  Thanks
W1PW AZ Signals were good on all bands from both sources.  20 meter signal was above S9 with beam in either direction. Still using the FT-817nd with pre/post calibrations from 10 MHz Thunderbolt GPS reference. Then into a SL Datafile which feeds an Excel file for the calculations and corrections.  Hope it all was done right!  Thanks Connie and Marvin for these challenging tests!
W9TJ IL 20 meters very weak, 60%copy East and 30% West. A 0.17 hz difference between East and West.  40 meters very weak both days 30% and 10% copy then below noise on morning run. Good signals on 80 both stations but lost WC 80 data in the computer.  Signal on 160 was very good.  Doppler was no friend this run. Again, thank you both for the opportunity to participate.
WA1ABI RI Rough copy on 40m West Coast, also on the 160m and 80m morning runs. Other sigs were good; 20m was excellent. Thanks Connie and Marvin for another fine FMT.
K6BZZ AZ Thanks to everyone involved for running the tests. Great fun and a challenge too. Signals all Q5 except for the 160 meter signal which was just one level above mental telepathy.
K7TT WWA From K5CM - signals on 20M were about equal strength here during both east and west runs, very good. Strangely each direction resulted in a different measured frequency so the average was submitted. Signals were much weaker on 40M with nothing on 80M. From W6OQI - signals readable on both 40M and 80M but lots of noise made signals difficult to read but measured anyway. Morning K5CM runs - no 160M, readable on 80M and 40M. Thanks to both Connie and Marvin for their outstanding efforts in getting us a fmt. I continue to find it difficult every time but look forward to the next. I guess I have the fmt addiction.
N8OQ VA Fun! I read the annoucement email about 30-minutes before the 20m test.  I turned on the I-706MKIIG + CR282 ASAP.  Typically 120 minutes are required for full warm up so my rig was still drifting during the test.  This was a very good test of doing an FMT while the rig was still warming up and attendant frequency drifting.  Also the best test as this wa the highest TX frequency...  I still just used good 'ole WWV. The measurements, spreadsheeting, and computations were done by 23:30 but not emailed until after work the following day. Thanks.
KA1BQP RI Monster signal on 20, 40 was weak, 80 was OK. Tnx Connie and Marvin.
K6APW EB Evening 80M signal in and out of my noise.
AA8K MI HPSDR, Thunderbolt, and Spectrum Lab.  Lots of deep fades with signals only 10 to 15 dB above the noise.  On 40 I had a local buzz stronger than K5CM less than 100 Hz away; love that HPSDR.  No signal on 20 meters.  Before the FMT I tuned in WWV and it was way off.  I discovered my Thunderbolt was only sometimes seeing one satellite.  I put my back up Thunderbolt on and it was fine.
W9ZB IN Was away at the time of the 20M run, so I set up to record the I/Q in my home made SDR1000 receiver copy.  Didn't find the signal in there after running through a couple hours of it.  Was here for all other signal times and all were good except for some QSB & doppler.
K6OQK LAX I missed the 20-Meter run due to poor scheduling on my part, but was able to participate in all the others.  All signals were good at my location with the exception of the Thursday morning 40-Meter run.  I couldn't find it until about 1-1/2 minutes into the key-down portion and then it was a mad rush and by the end it was quite strong, but a mile wide.  Marv's 40 and 80-Meter runs were very stable at my location and Spectrum Lab gave me 100% consistent numbers.  That said, I hope I'm even a little close.  I continue to use my normal setup as described in the Highlight section of K5CM website.  It still proves itself to be simple and reliable  My sincere thanks to Pam and Herta for allowing us to borrow their mates long enough to have these FMT's.  Also,thanks to Connie and Marv for their tiresless efforts.Burt, K6OQK
WB3AKD VA Only functional antenna here was a 600 ft Beverage pointed toward North Africa so 20M run did not net signals I could process although I heard both 20 M runs.  (Revised Comments: actually I did get 20M data, I just had to process it a bit more as the 20 meter file was in stereo but was processed originally as though mono). 40M and 80M Wednesday runs got pretty good data.  Schedule conflict scuttled Thursday attempt.   FMT setup continues to improve here (well, I guess we'll see if it really is improved).  Thanks again for the all the effort.
N3FG EPA Noisy signal on 20M. Good signal on 40M. Weak signal on 80M. 160M was extremely weak - just a shot in the dark. Hi. Tried an IC-7200 with Spectran this time. Thanks again.  It was fun.
AF9A IN Connie, thanks for the test again!  Your 20m signal was really in the noise and Wed. night 40m signals weren't much better.  80m was pretty good and Thurs. morning signals were pretty good.  73
WB0LXZ KS Thanks Connie, I need a lot more practice with Spectrum Lab. I used HP3586B, HP3335A, homemade GPS controlled OCXO using QBASIC. -bill
W3JW VA Good signals on all bands this time. The 20 meter signal was the weakest (particularly with the beam pointed NW) but even that one was "very measureable". Good signals on both bands from the west coast. Plenty of doppler spread on the three higher bands. Many tnx fer the test.
K5CM OK Marvin, good signals on 80 meters. Thanks for the West coast run.
k1ggi EMA Got at least some copy on all sigs. K5CM 160 and 80 in sunlight were tough. Had to pick the 3579 out from local tv color, watching for start/stop and spread due to keying. K5CM 20m west was weak and hundreds of mHz lower than east, but it always seems to come out closer to being right. I entered the east one anyway. Thanks for another fun one guys.
7L4IOU DX 20M was received in real time.signal was loud and clear. 40M was recorded between the absences it's also very clear too. Thank you very much!


 K5CM 80 meter readings (3578390.145)


K0PF CO 3578390.132 -0.013 3.63E-09
K6OQK LAX 3578390.131 -0.014 3.91E-09
W6OQI LAX 3578390.16 0.015 4.19E-09
WB0LXZ KS 3578390.128 -0.017 4.75E-09
W3JW VA 3578390.122 -0.023 6.43E-09
W9TJ IL 3578390.12 -0.025 6.99E-09
W0PHD MN 3578390.104 -0.041 1.15E-08
AA8K MI 3578390.19 0.045 1.26E-08
AF9A IN 3578390.099 -0.046 1.29E-08
VE2IQ ON 3578390.097 -0.048 1.34E-08
WA1ABI RI 3578390.194 0.049 1.37E-08
N8OB OH 3578390.197 0.052 1.45E-08
KA1BQP RI 3578390.092 -0.053 1.48E-08
AE9K IN 3578390.085 -0.060 1.68E-08
N5DM STX 3578390.05 -0.095 2.65E-08
k1ggi EMA 3578390.04 -0.105 2.93E-08
KD2BD NNJ 3578390.03 -0.115 3.21E-08
N3FG EPA 3578390.01 -0.135 3.77E-08
K5BTK MS 3578389.997 -0.148 4.14E-08
K6BZZ AZ 3578390.302 0.157 4.39E-08
K6APW EB 3578390.34 0.195 5.45E-08
W9ZB IN 3578389.901 -0.244 6.82E-08
G3SVW DX 3578390.4 0.255 7.13E-08
WB3AKD VA 3578389.89 -0.255 7.13E-08
KØMZ KS 3578390.7 0.555 1.55E-07
WA7TOF MDC 3578388.824 -1.321 3.69E-07
KB3MUN WPA 3578387.8 -2.345 6.55E-07
N5LUL WTX 3578401.5 11.355 3.17E-06
W3BC WPA 3578405.11 14.965 4.18E-06
W1PW AZ 3578302.679


 K5CM  40 meter readings (7078320.135)


W0PHD MN 7078320.135 0.000 0.00E+00
AF9A IN 7078320.121 -0.014 1.98E-09
AA8K MI 7078320.160 0.025 3.53E-09
K6OQK LAX 7078320.090 -0.045 6.36E-09
W1PW AZ 7078320.181 0.046 6.50E-09
W6OQI LAX 7078320.070 -0.065 9.18E-09
K0PF CO 7078320.202 0.067 9.47E-09
WA2DVU SNJ 7078320.065 -0.070 9.89E-09
K6BZZ AZ 7078320.037 -0.098 1.38E-08
WB3AKD VA 7078320.030 -0.105 1.48E-08
WA1ABI RI 7078320.023 -0.112 1.58E-08
k1ggi EMA 7078320.010 -0.125 1.77E-08
N8OB OH 7078320.270 0.135 1.91E-08
N3FG EPA 7078320.000 -0.135 1.91E-08
W3JW VA 7078319.996 -0.139 1.96E-08
VE2IQ ON 7078319.995 -0.140 1.98E-08
K7TT WWA 7078320.286 0.151 2.13E-08
KA1BQP RI 7078319.969 -0.166 2.35E-08
W9TJ IL 7078319.920 -0.215 3.04E-08
K6APW EB 7078320.370 0.235 3.32E-08
N5DM STX 7078319.900 -0.235 3.32E-08
KØMZ KS 7078320.400 0.265 3.74E-08
K5BTK MS 7078319.804 -0.331 4.68E-08
G3SVW DX 7078320.500 0.365 5.16E-08
W3BC WPA 7078320.978 0.843 1.19E-07
WB0LXZ KS 7078321.000 0.865 1.22E-07
WA7TOF MDC 7078321.775 1.640 2.32E-07
KB3MUN WPA 7078323.500 3.365 4.75E-07
W9ZB IN 7078332.220 12.085 1.71E-06
N5LUL WTX 7078339.750 19.615 2.77E-06
WA4FJC VA 7079698.000



 K5CM  20 meter readings (14058277.577)


N3FG EPA 14058277.560 -0.017 1.21E-09
W0PHD MN 14058277.598 0.021 1.49E-09
k1ggi EMA 14058277.520 -0.057 4.05E-09
WA1ABI RI 14058277.509 -0.068 4.84E-09
WA2DVU SNJ 14058277.505 -0.072 5.12E-09
W6OQI LAX 14058277.500 -0.077 5.48E-09
K5BTK MS 14058277.443 -0.134 9.53E-09
KA1BQP RI 14058277.439 -0.138 9.82E-09
K7TT WWA 14058277.417 -0.160 1.14E-08
K6BZZ AZ 14058277.413 -0.164 1.17E-08
7L4IOU AL 14058277.400 -0.177 1.26E-08
W9TJ IL 14058277.380 -0.197 1.40E-08
W1PW AZ 14058277.360 -0.217 1.54E-08
K6APW EB 14058277.300 -0.277 1.97E-08
W3JW VA 14058277.071 -0.506 3.60E-08
WB0LXZ KS 14058277.007 -0.570 4.05E-08
AF9A IN 14058277.000 -0.577 4.10E-08
N5DM STX 14058276.175 -1.402 9.97E-08
KØMZ KS 14058282.000 4.423 3.15E-07
N5LUL WTX 14058262.570 -15.007 1.07E-06
WB3AKD VA 14058428.130
N8OQ VA 14058107.380





 W6OQI 80 meter readings (3567031.983)


K6OQK* LAX 3567031.984 0.001 2.80E-10
K6BZZ AZ 3567031.989 0.006 1.68E-09
KD2BD NNJ 3567031.992 0.009 2.52E-09
W1PW AZ 3567031.996 0.013 3.64E-09
AF9A IN 3567031.997 0.014 3.92E-09
K5CM OK 3567031.942 -0.041 1.15E-08
k1ggi EMA 3567031.920 -0.063 1.77E-08
W3JW VA 3567031.898 -0.085 2.38E-08
KA1BQP RI 3567031.875 -0.108 3.03E-08
WB0LXZ KS 3567031.848 -0.135 3.78E-08
W0PHD MN 3567031.842 -0.141 3.95E-08
K5BTK MS 3567031.825 -0.158 4.43E-08
N5DM STX 3567031.800 -0.183 5.13E-08
VE2IQ ON 3567031.797 -0.186 5.21E-08
W9ZB IN 3567031.793 -0.190 5.33E-08
WA1ABI RI 3567032.179 0.196 5.49E-08
KØMZ KS 3567032.200 0.217 6.08E-08
K6APW EB 3567032.220 0.237 6.64E-08
K7TT WWA 3567032.288 0.305 8.55E-08
N5LUL WTX 3567044.000 12.017 3.37E-06
KB3MUN WPA 3566229.400

*K6OQK is 8 miles from the Transmitting station.



W6OQI  40 meter readings (7067031.515)



K6OQK* LAX 7067031.516 0.001 1.42E-10
K5CM OK 7067031.517 0.002 2.83E-10
VE2IQ ON 7067031.531 0.016 2.26E-09
WA1ABI RI 7067031.534 0.019 2.69E-09
W1PW AZ 7067031.535 0.020 2.83E-09
K6BZZ AZ 7067031.543 0.028 3.96E-09
W3JW VA 7067031.487 -0.028 3.96E-09
W9TJ IL 7067031.450 -0.065 9.20E-09
K7TT WWA 7067031.586 0.071 1.00E-08
K5BTK MS 7067031.436 -0.079 1.12E-08
KA1BQP RI 7067031.402 -0.113 1.60E-08
K6APW EB 7067031.630 0.115 1.63E-08
N5DM STX 7067031.400 -0.115 1.63E-08
k1ggi EMA 7067031.370 -0.145 2.05E-08
W9ZB IN 7067031.662 0.147 2.08E-08
WB0LXZ KS 7067031.290 -0.225 3.18E-08
AF9A IN 7067031.216 -0.299 4.23E-08
N5LUL WTX 7067038.000 6.485 9.18E-07
KB3MUN WPA 7068035.800

*K6OQK is 8 miles from the Transmitting station.



K5CM 160 meter readings - Thursday morning (1845565.365)



W3JW VA 1845565.369 0.004 2.17E-09
WA2DVU SNJ 1845565.370 0.005 2.71E-09
AA8K MI 1845565.370 0.005 2.71E-09
WB0LXZ KS 1845565.370 0.005 2.71E-09
k1ggi EMA 1845565.375 0.010 5.42E-09
W1PW AZ 1845565.331 -0.034 1.84E-08
K6OQK LAX 1845565.432 0.067 3.63E-08
W9ZB IN 1845565.283 -0.082 4.44E-08
K6BZZ AZ 1845565.281 -0.084 4.55E-08
W9TJ IL 1845565.450 0.085 4.61E-08
AF9A IN 1845565.454 0.089 4.82E-08
K5BTK MS 1845565.548 0.183 9.92E-08
W0PHD MN 1845565.555 0.190 1.03E-07
KØMZ KS 1845565.800 0.435 2.36E-07
N3FG EPA 1845564.210 -1.155 6.26E-07
VE2IQ ON 1845566.601 1.236 6.70E-07
KB3MUN WPA 1845563.700 -1.665 9.02E-07
WA1ABI RI 1845615.369





  K5CM 80 meter readings - Thursday morning (3579471.355)



AA8K MI 3579471.390 0.035 9.78E-09
WA1ABI RI 3579471.394 0.039 1.09E-08
W1PW AZ 3579471.461 0.106 2.96E-08
K6BZZ AZ 3579471.465 0.110 3.07E-08
AF9A IN 3579471.572 0.217 6.06E-08
WB0LXZ KS 3579471.578 0.223 6.23E-08
K6OQK LAX 3579471.098 -0.257 7.18E-08
W9TJ IL 3579471.620 0.265 7.40E-08
K7TT WWA 3579471.630 0.275 7.68E-08
K5BTK MS 3579471.677 0.322 9.00E-08
W3JW VA 3579471.815 0.460 1.29E-07
WA2DVU SNJ 3579471.830 0.475 1.33E-07
W0PHD MN 3579471.834 0.479 1.34E-07
W9ZB IN 3579471.875 0.520 1.45E-07
KB3MUN WPA 3579472.000 0.645 1.80E-07
WA4FJC VA 3579472.000 0.645 1.80E-07
VE2IQ ON 3579472.092 0.737 2.06E-07
k1ggi EMA 3579472.105 0.750 2.10E-07
KØMZ KS 3579472.500 1.145 3.20E-07

Notice that almost all morning readings are on the high side.




 K5CM 40 meter readings Thursday morning(7079342.165)



WB0LXZ KS 7079342.160 -0.005 7.06E-10
K6OQK LAX 7079342.214 0.049 6.92E-09
W0PHD MN 7079342.246 0.081 1.14E-08
W1PW AZ 7079342.269 0.104 1.47E-08
K6BZZ AZ 7079342.275 0.110 1.55E-08
AA8K MI 7079342.320 0.155 2.19E-08
K5BTK MS 7079342.349 0.184 2.60E-08
AF9A IN 7079342.386 0.221 3.12E-08
VE2IQ ON 7079342.401 0.236 3.33E-08
WA1ABI RI 7079342.414 0.249 3.52E-08
W3JW VA 7079342.430 0.265 3.74E-08
7L4IOU DX 7079341.900 -0.265 3.74E-08
K7TT WWA 7079342.644 0.479 6.77E-08
k1ggi EMA 7079342.750 0.585 8.26E-08
W9ZB IN 7079342.769 0.604 8.53E-08
W9TJ IL 7079342.820 0.655 9.25E-08
KB3MUN WPA 7079393.700 51.535 7.28E-06
WA4FJC VA 7079860.000

Notice that almost all morning readings are on the high side.


Spectrograph of Marvin, W6OQI  40 meter signal as copied by K5CM






Audio snippet of Marvin's 80 meter signal as copied by K5CM

audio/W6OQI JAN13-2010-80M-SHACK-snip.wav








Audio snippets of K5CM  morning runs as copied by WA1ABI in RI

John's sunrise was almost 40 minutes before the 160 meter run.

audio/k5cm 160m-by wa1abi-jan-2010-morn.mp3

audio/k5cm 80m-by wa1abi-jan-2010-morn.mp3

audio/k5cm 40m-by wa1abi-jan-2010-morn.mp3



Audio snippet of W6OQI 80 meter signal as copied by WA1ABI in RI

audio/w6oqi 80m-by wa1abi-jan-2010.mp3



Audio snippet of K5CM  20 meter run as copied by 7L4IOU in Tokyo





This Spectrograph of Marvin's 80 meter signal, from VE2IQ, Bill



This shows what Marv's 80M signal looked like here in Ontario .
My automatic program calculated out an audio peak of 791.989 Hz, corresponding
to an RF carrier at 3567031.989 Hz, but I manually overrode that value when I
looked at the distribution.  I noticed there was another signal in there a
bit lower which looked like a more stable carrier (less spreading) so I asked
the program to recalculate the peak of that distribution and it came up with
791.740 + 57 mHz (known TS850 offset) = 791.797, corresponding to an RF carrier
at 3567031.797 Hz.  That's the one I submitted.  It's about 200 mHz lower than
the first estimate.

 Marvin's real frequency was 3567031.983 (ed)










Transmitting equipment used by K5CM for this FMT:

A HP Z3801 GPS frequency source clocks a HP-3336B. A 10 db transistor amp follows and drives a 12BY7 / pair 6146. Then to the final amplifier, a Dentron 2500 running 200 watts out on 80, 40, and 20 meter AND 500 watt out on 160 meters.  There are no mixers or any device in the chain of amplifiers that might impact the accuracy of the GPS frequency source.  As a reality check,  I periodically log the frequency source against WWV and other GPS referenced sources.  I monitor each transmission with a completely separate receive system to look for any instability or short term drift. The separate system is not locked to the GPS transmitting system, but to another GPS source.

I typically see considerably less than 1 mHz difference at 10 Mhz when comparing  two Z3801's or a Z3801 and a Thunderbolt, over a 10 to10,000 second period. 



160 - Sloping dipole form top of 170' tower. Favors East, West, and North.

80 - Vertical (almost) dipole

 40 - Standard Dipole hanging between two 80 foot towers. (favors East, West)

 20 - 4 element SteppIr 




Current W6OQI FMT transmitting equipment for this FMT:



My Transmitting setup consists of a HP Z3801 clocking a HP 3336B which drives a Johnson Viking I transmitter, the output of which is attenuated by a 6 db attenuator, to then drive an Icom PW-1 amplifier to about 500 watts. The antenna is an inverted Vee which favors north and south from the Los Angeles area.








Note: Because I put the results up quickly, there will be mistakes, so don't hesitate to point them out quickly. 






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