K5CM FMT - Feb 15, 2010 Results



K5CM - 1 K5CM -2 W6OQI -WC
80m 3578163.165 3579423.724 3567432.545
40m 7078123.654 7079473.925 7067444.832
20m 14058127.770 14059252.860


We again had very good participation with entries from three continents. From the comments, as well as my own observations, of Marvin's signal strength, conditions were some of the best I have seen recently. However, Mr. Doppler did not take a vacation. 

As always, thanks to all that participated.


Stations submitting readings on all possible bands(8) - ranked by average error:

Call Section Average Error
WA1ABI RI 1.73E-08
W3JW VA 1.90E-08
N7EP/7 AZ 2.04E-08
W1PW AZ 2.96E-08
K1GGI EMA 3.63E-08
K9KK OK 3.80E-08
W9TJ IL 4.96E-08
W0PHD MN 5.52E-08
W9ZB IN 6.42E-08
WBØLXZ KS 3.36E-07


A look at all readings 10 millihertz or better:

W9TJ IL 7078123.654 7078123.657 0.003 4.24E-10
K6HGF LAX 7078123.654 7078123.659 0.005 7.06E-10
K6OQK LAX 7078123.654 7078123.663 0.009 1.27E-09
N7EP/7 AZ 3567432.545 3567432.550 0.005 1.40E-09
WA1ABI RI 3567432.545 3567432.537 -0.008 2.24E-09
K6OQK* LAX 3567432.545 3567432.554 0.009 2.52E-09
K6HGF* LAX 7067444.832 7067444.835 0.003 4.24E-10
K6OQK* LAX 7067444.832 7067444.836 0.004 5.66E-10

*May be in ground wave/direct range of W6OQI


N8OB OH I had a difficult time on 40M but sigs were good.  80 seemed much better.  Fun as usual.
K6YAZ LAX First FMT for me in a while. Used RF Space SDRIQ receiver, with HP 3336B as a marker. Rest of FMT too late for me.  Stuart
W4JLE SC First shot at trying this FMT. Enjoyed it thanks!
G3SVW DX K5CM heard on 40m (S4) & 80m (S3). The 40m signal went off before I could get an accurate zerobeat - I struggled with turbulent propagation caused by the solar flares over the weekend. A bit quicker on 80m, I got a (doubtful) reading, again troubled by propagation. W6OQI nil hrd. 73,Ron,G3SVW
N5DM STX TS-480SAT & DigiPan v2.0
W6OQI LAX K5CM signals were good on all bands here in Southern California.  However, the usual Doppler made it necessary to use the dart board to decide which numbers to go with.
W0PHD MN noted mark difference in doppler on your different beam headings on 20 mtr sigs NE most stable for me.
G3SVW DX Connie, your 13:15 - 13:21 UTC run (16th February, 2010) on 20m was S7 in Manchester. A good signal but very slow rolling QSB. Not deep, but puzzling when trying to guage the exact spot of a zero-beat against my HP 3336A. Thanks for the run. I'm off to work now, a late start for me HI!
W4NUS NC 16 Feb. 2010  FMT   80M  7:45 AM EST  Signal S4 noise and some QRM.      40M  8AM  Signal S9 noise free, minimal QRM.   20M  8:15  Signal S1 at best with QSB into noise.    Had only about one min. of weak sig no measure.SDR-14 receiver in DSB mode calibrated against 10MHZ. signal from WWV.  No sig from WWV on 15 or 20MHZ. this AM.     Many tnx for doing the tests for us.  I will contnue to participate and make improvements.  73 de Guy  W4NUS   ggtguy@juno.com
N5LBZ MS The first run Monday evening 20&40 were very weak 80M had a good signal. On the second run Tue Morning 80M good signal 40M was ok but 20M very weak with a strong carrier close by not sure I measured the right one.
KØMZ KS Thanks Connie and Marvin for another FMT.  I missed the first 3 tests due to a Civic meeting that evening.  Marvin's 40 M signal was S-7 with QRN.  Didn't have the HP10544A quite warmed up for this run.  80M signal was 20 over with QSB.  K5CM morning 80 M was 40 over.  40M sig was S-7 with doppler.  First 20M signal was less than S-1 and second 20M signal was at noise.  I averaged both measurements for my final.  As usual,  all measurements were strictly by ear with 30+ year old equipment.
N7EP AZ Using Spec. Lab, IC-706MKIIg and WWV.  All runs were above S9 in AZ except the last 20 M run which wasn't there until half way through the run.  The sunspots made the signals stronger but all were almost one hz wide which made the measurement an educated guess.  This is the first FMT in a long time that I received all runs.  Thanks for the FMT Connie.  Earl in Mesa, AZ
KB3MUN WPA I was not able to make appointment for first 20m runs; there was too much local QRM for morning 80m run.2m 1.4 wavelength magount in basement .. TS140S .. FLdigi v3.13AE I curious to see is I'm getting better at this.
K6BZZ AZ Thanks Connie and Marvin. Always fun and challenging. Good signals. I missed Tuesday morning 80 meter run due to operator error, hi. Using Thunderbolt GPSDO, HP-3336B, FT-817, Spectrum Lab, laptop, and excel. Attic antennas.
WA1ABI RI Good signals on all runs. Tnx Connie and Marvin.
W4UK SC Missed start of 10 PM EST run due to Olympics on TV, but got last part. Thanks for putting these FMTs on for us, Connie. Jerry W4UK
W9ZB IN 80M sigs were best, others weaker with unstable phase.  Got readings for all, but my new correction technique may have been a big mistake.  Equipment is a home brew copy of SDR1000 with 100MHz ovenized reference, but sound card clock error is not correctable, so various calculations for final results introduce more error than I want.
K5BTK MS The bands seemed noisier than usual here during the test - especially the early 20m run. It had gotten much quieter by the evening runs. The "last-minute" reminder of the FMT is really helpful. Thanks...
K6HGF LAX Severe doppler on Connie's 80 meter signal, but all signals strong.
KD2BD NNJ Great signals from Connie and Marvin during the evening 80 meter run!  However, my receiver lost phase lock on Marvin's signal during a deep fade and/or static crash near the end of my first 100 second frequency measurement period.  I re-established lock and reset my counter, but the keydown period ended just a few seconds before my second attempted measurement was complete, so I got nothing.  :-(
K6OQK LAX All of the signals were good at my location in Glendale, CA with the exception of the Thursday morning 20-Meter signal, which was non-existent. Again,  Thanks to Pam and Herta for the loan of their mates to put on another great FMT.  Burt, K6OQK
WA4FJC VA Trimble GPS DO & HP 3586B.  Good signals except for the West Coast 80 M run that had extreme doppler and fading.  I will now have to investigate (again) the use of a sound card program.  Thanks Connie and Marcin. 
N3FG EPA Thanks again.  It was fun.  I used the wrong mode on 80M, but I tried to correct it.  We'll see what happens. Hi. Good signals here on all bands.
W1PW AZ Sigs were good except 40M Run 2 and 20M Run 2, which was weak, but MUCH weaker when beaming West, so I may have been hearing Long Path(?!) WC 40 was inaudible, but SL 'saw' something, so I put in the numbers that SL provided.  WC80 was strong, but lots of Doppler here in AZ. Thanks again, Connie and Marvin, for these opportunities, and for the fun!
K6APW/7 OR Broken one-Hertz switch on generator during calibration check after the 20 meter run -- I hope anything is close! All signals were strong for a change.
AF9A IN Conditions on 20 and 40 were really poor Monday night.  Good signal on 80 with little QSB.  Thanks for the test!  73 de AF9A
N5JOA NFL Used RF Space SDR-IQ and IBM T-20 Thinkpad running SpetraVue ver 3.04.  Let radio and computer warm up for 2 hours and then calibrated to WWV on 10 MHz.  Antenna was G5RV dipole at 30 feet.  Good signals received here in Tallahassee, FL. -70.9 dB on 80M and -77.7 on 40M.  73!
VE3OAT ON Haven't done this for a while and had almost forgotten how much fun it is!  Glad to be back and hope I got it right.  My equipment is a little different but the technique is the same, except for the rust HI. 
7L4IOU DX The first 20M (8AM loca time) was loud and clear. both 80M (21:45) and 40M (22:00) CW was clear and easy to copy. The last 20M (22:15) was delicate. I report frequency of faintly trace but not sure. In addition, K6UO WSPR 20M BEACON, was copied until this morning from last night.Propagation between North America and JA is looking seems good and stable in all bands. Thank you very much!
W7KXB AZ My first Fq measuring gig. Not sure if I'm doing it right but it was fun trying.
KA1BQP RI Very strong signals on both WC and EC runs. Tnx connie and Marvin.
N2CUA WNY OK .. back at it again .. its been awhile .. new radio .. FT897D and some tweeking and program of buttons and file export functions of Spectrum Lab. Hopefully I got a little closer this time with the rig , SL, and WWV. Connie, thanks again for all you patience and mentoring. 73 all, Randy - N2CUA
K1GGI EMA Good copy on all freqs, all aimings. Had a pretty sharp spectral line that wandered a few tenths during the first 20m run. Thanks guys.
W3JW VA Best signal strengths on all runs I have heard in recent memory. Plenty of doppler and multipath to make things intersting. I also noticed the relationship between your beam heading (20 M) and received frequency. Most noticeable on the Monday nite run (peak-to-peak variation of 0.4 Hz just due to beam heading) but also seen on the Tuesday AM run (0.3 Hz peak-to-peak). Tnx fer the FB FMT.
W9TJ IL PM 20 signals very poor, freq picked off of CW.  40 sigs poor QRN peak S6.  80 sigs 9+20.  WC 40 QRN S9 peak 9+20 sigs S5P7 with fadug.  WC 80 sigs good peak S9+20 with some QRM.  Monday 80 sigs S9+40 wow!  40 QRN S4P9 sigs S4P7.  20 sigs S3P5 Dr. Doppler must have been mad at me. First trial with Analyzer.  Thank you for opportunity to participate.
WA2USJ NLI I keep on trying
WBØLXZ KS After the 8th transmission, I realized I was using 11025 instead of 44100 rate. Too late. 20M signals faded clear out before I was really finished tuning it in. Still FUN! and maybe I can do better next time. HP3586B, HP3335A, Home Brew GPS-controlled OCXO using QBASIC and Spectrum Lab. Thanks.- bill
K9KK OK HP3801a disciplining HP3336B with Spectrum Lab. Signals from BOTH K5CM and W6OQI good on all runs into central Oklahoma. Doppler shift demons were present AS USUAL.




K5CM 80 Meter first run  - 03:00 UTC

G3SVW DX 3578163.165 3578163.150 -0.015 4.19E-09
W1PW AZ 3578163.165 3578163.131 -0.034 9.50E-09
N7EP/7 AZ 3578163.165 3578163.215 0.050 1.40E-08
K6HGF LAX 3578163.165 3578163.115 -0.050 1.40E-08
W9TJ IL 3578163.165 3578163.113 -0.052 1.45E-08
W0PHD MN 3578163.165 3578163.100 -0.065 1.82E-08
N2CUA WNY 3578163.165 3578163.078 -0.087 2.43E-08
K1GGI EMA 3578163.165 3578163.070 -0.095 2.65E-08
K6OQK LAX 3578163.165 3578163.069 -0.096 2.68E-08
K6BZZ AZ 3578163.165 3578163.066 -0.099 2.77E-08
K9KK OK 3578163.165 3578163.281 0.116 3.24E-08
W3JW VA 3578163.165 3578163.046 -0.119 3.33E-08
WA1ABI RI 3578163.165 3578163.028 -0.137 3.83E-08
KA1BQP RI 3578163.165 3578163.018 -0.147 4.11E-08
W6OQI LAX 3578163.165 3578163.010 -0.155 4.33E-08
VE3OAT ON 3578163.165 3578163.010 -0.155 4.33E-08
N5LBZ MS 3578163.165 3578163.000 -0.165 4.61E-08
WA4FJC VA 3578163.165 3578163.000 -0.165 4.61E-08
WA2DVU SNJ 3578163.165 3578162.973 -0.192 5.37E-08
KD2BD NNJ 3578163.165 3578162.950 -0.215 6.01E-08
K5BTK MS 3578163.165 3578162.914 -0.251 7.01E-08
N8OB OH 3578163.165 3578162.892 -0.273 7.63E-08
W4UK SC 3578163.165 3578162.880 -0.285 7.96E-08
N3FG EPA 3578163.165 3578162.880 -0.285 7.96E-08
W9ZB IN 3578163.165 3578162.821 -0.344 9.61E-08
K6APW/7 OR 3578163.165 3578163.575 0.410 1.15E-07
KB0OLA UT 3578163.165 3578162.659 -0.506 1.41E-07
W4JLE SC 3578163.165 3578162.580 -0.585 1.63E-07
W7KXB AZ 3578163.165 3578163.820 0.655 1.83E-07
K6YAZ LAX 3578163.165 3578159.800 -3.365 9.40E-07
N5JOA NFL 3578163.165 3578166.600 3.435 9.60E-07
WBØLXZ KS 3578163.165 3578157.209 -5.956 1.66E-06
AF9A IN 3578163.165 3578152.091 -11.074 3.09E-06
WA2USJ NLI 3578163.165 3578585.112
N5DM STX 3578163.165 3578814.800
KB3MUN WPA 3578163.165 3577309.300




K5CM 40 Meter first run  - 03:15 UTC


W9TJ IL 7078123.654 7078123.657 0.003 4.24E-10
K6HGF LAX 7078123.654 7078123.659 0.005 7.06E-10
K6OQK LAX 7078123.654 7078123.663 0.009 1.27E-09
W4UK SC 7078123.654 7078123.600 -0.054 7.63E-09
W6OQI LAX 7078123.654 7078123.720 0.066 9.32E-09
K5BTK MS 7078123.654 7078123.720 0.066 9.32E-09
N2CUA WNY 7078123.654 7078123.584 -0.070 9.89E-09
N3FG EPA 7078123.654 7078123.560 -0.094 1.33E-08
KB0OLA UT 7078123.654 7078123.553 -0.101 1.43E-08
W0PHD MN 7078123.654 7078123.544 -0.110 1.55E-08
K6BZZ AZ 7078123.654 7078123.537 -0.117 1.65E-08
W3JW VA 7078123.654 7078123.526 -0.128 1.81E-08
K9KK OK 7078123.654 7078123.504 -0.150 2.12E-08
WA1ABI RI 7078123.654 7078123.502 -0.152 2.15E-08
K1GGI EMA 7078123.654 7078123.480 -0.174 2.46E-08
KA1BQP RI 7078123.654 7078123.476 -0.178 2.51E-08
VE3OAT ON 7078123.654 7078123.473 -0.181 2.56E-08
WBØLXZ KS 7078123.654 7078123.462 -0.192 2.71E-08
W1PW AZ 7078123.654 7078123.862 0.208 2.94E-08
N7EP/7 AZ 7078123.654 7078123.871 0.217 3.07E-08
WA2DVU SNJ 7078123.654 7078123.420 -0.234 3.31E-08
WA4FJC VA 7078123.654 7078123.400 -0.254 3.59E-08
W9ZB IN 7078123.654 7078123.224 -0.430 6.08E-08
K6YAZ LAX 7078123.654 7078124.300 0.646 9.13E-08
N5LBZ MS 7078123.654 7078123.000 -0.654 9.24E-08
N8OB OH 7078123.654 7078122.915 -0.739 1.04E-07
W7KXB AZ 7078123.654 7078124.677 1.023 1.45E-07
K6APW/7 OR 7078123.654 7078125.075 1.421 2.01E-07
N5JOA NFL 7078123.654 7078125.900 2.246 3.17E-07
N5DM STX 7078123.654 7078776.700
KB3MUN WPA 7078123.654 7077276.500






K5CM 20 Meter first run  - 23:00 UTC

7L4IOU DX 14058127.770 14058127.745 -0.025 1.78E-09
N2CUA WNY 14058127.770 14058127.801 0.031 2.21E-09
WA1ABI RI 14058127.770 14058127.804 0.034 2.42E-09
N7EP/7 AZ 14058127.770 14058127.712 -0.058 4.13E-09
W3JW VA 14058127.770 14058127.897 0.127 9.03E-09
K1GGI EMA 14058127.770 14058127.620 -0.150 1.07E-08
W4UK SC 14058127.770 14058127.924 0.154 1.10E-08
WA4FJC VA 14058127.770 14058127.600 -0.170 1.21E-08
K6HGF LAX 14058127.770 14058127.599 -0.171 1.22E-08
K5BTK MS 14058127.770 14058127.950 0.180 1.28E-08
W6OQI LAX 14058127.770 14058127.590 -0.180 1.28E-08
VE3OAT ON 14058127.770 14058127.583 -0.187 1.33E-08
KB0OLA UT 14058127.770 14058127.580 -0.190 1.35E-08
K6OQK LAX 14058127.770 14058127.580 -0.190 1.35E-08
W1PW AZ 14058127.770 14058127.570 -0.200 1.42E-08
K6BZZ AZ 14058127.770 14058127.554 -0.216 1.54E-08
W0PHD MN 14058127.770 14058127.427 -0.343 2.44E-08
N5LBZ MS 14058127.770 14058127.400 -0.370 2.63E-08
WA2DVU SNJ 14058127.770 14058127.380 -0.390 2.77E-08
N3FG EPA 14058127.770 14058127.370 -0.400 2.85E-08
K9KK OK 14058127.770 14058127.37 -0.404 2.87E-08
K6YAZ LAX 14058127.770 14058128.200 0.430 3.06E-08
W9TJ IL 14058127.770 14058127.270 -0.500 3.56E-08
W9TJ IL 14058127.770 14058127.270 -0.500 3.56E-08
WBØLXZ KS 14058127.770 14058127.119 -0.651 4.63E-08
W9ZB IN 14058127.770 14058127.047 -0.723 5.14E-08
K6APW/7 OR 14058127.770 14058127.025 -0.745 5.30E-08
N3QBI WPA 14058127.770 14058078.000 -49.770 3.54E-06
WA2USJ NLI 14058127.770 14058543.333
N5DM STX 14058127.770 14058783.500




W6OQI WC80 Meter run  - 4:00 UTC

N7EP/7 AZ 3567432.545 3567432.550 0.005 1.40E-09
WA1ABI RI 3567432.545 3567432.537 -0.008 2.24E-09
K6OQK LAX 3567432.545 3567432.554 0.009 2.52E-09
K6HGF LAX 3567432.545 3567432.493 -0.052 1.46E-08
KØMZ KS 3567432.545 3567432.600 0.055 1.54E-08
K5CM OK 3567432.545 3567432.483 -0.062 1.74E-08
W1PW AZ 3567432.545 3567432.446 -0.099 2.78E-08
W4JLE SC 3567432.545 3567432.430 -0.115 3.22E-08
K6BZZ AZ 3567432.545 3567432.366 -0.179 5.02E-08
K5BTK MS 3567432.545 3567432.365 -0.180 5.05E-08
W7KXB AZ 3567432.545 3567432.351 -0.194 5.44E-08
WBØLXZ KS 3567432.545 3567432.334 -0.211 5.91E-08
W0PHD MN 3567432.545 3567432.776 0.231 6.48E-08
W3JW VA 3567432.545 3567432.787 0.242 6.78E-08
VE3OAT ON 3567432.545 3567432.302 -0.243 6.81E-08
KA1BQP RI 3567432.545 3567432.287 -0.258 7.23E-08
W9ZB IN 3567432.545 3567432.268 -0.277 7.76E-08
K6APW/7 OR 3567432.545 3567432.850 0.305 8.55E-08
K1GGI EMA 3567432.545 3567432.240 -0.305 8.55E-08
W9TJ IL 3567432.545 3567432.224 -0.321 9.00E-08
K9KK OK 3567432.545 3567432.218 -0.327 9.17E-08
KB0OLA UT 3567432.545 3567431.683 -0.862 2.42E-07
N5DM STX 3567432.545 3568083.800
KB3MUN WPA 3567432.545 3566629.300




W6OQI WC40 Meter run  - 4:20 UTC

K6HGF LAX 7067444.832 7067444.835 0.003 4.24E-10
K6OQK LAX 7067444.832 7067444.836 0.004 5.66E-10
K6BZZ AZ 7067444.832 7067444.855 0.023 3.25E-09
W3JW VA 7067444.832 7067444.798 -0.034 4.81E-09
WA1ABI RI 7067444.832 7067444.793 -0.039 5.52E-09
K5CM OK 7067444.832 7067444.752 -0.080 1.13E-08
K5BTK MS 7067444.832 7067444.955 0.123 1.74E-08
WA4FJC VA 7067444.832 7067444.700 -0.132 1.87E-08
K9KK OK 7067444.832 7067444.972 0.140 1.98E-08
W0PHD MN 7067444.832 7067444.692 -0.140 1.98E-08
N2CUA WNY 7067444.832 7067444.686 -0.146 2.07E-08
VE3OAT ON 7067444.832 7067444.643 -0.189 2.67E-08
W9TJ IL 7067444.832 7067444.600 -0.232 3.28E-08
WBØLXZ KS 7067444.832 7067444.574 -0.258 3.65E-08
K1GGI EMA 7067444.832 7067444.500 -0.332 4.70E-08
N7EP/7 AZ 7067444.832 7067445.186 0.354 5.01E-08
W4JLE SC 7067444.832 7067444.450 -0.382 5.41E-08
W9ZB IN 7067444.832 7067445.427 0.595 8.42E-08
W1PW AZ 7067444.832 7067444.124 -0.708 1.00E-07
W7KXB AZ 7067444.832 7067445.551 0.719 1.02E-07
K6APW/7 OR 7067444.832 7067445.775 0.943 1.33E-07
KB0OLA UT 7067444.832 7067443.465 -1.367 1.93E-07
KØMZ KS 7067444.832 7067449.000 4.168 5.90E-07
KA1BQP RI 7067444.832 7067423.482
N5DM STX 7067444.832 7068098.000
KB3MUN WPA 7067444.832 7066628.800





K5CM 80 Meter second run  - 12:45 UTC

WA1ABI RI 3579423.724 3579423.734 0.010 2.79E-09
K1GGI EMA 3579423.724 3579423.750 0.026 7.26E-09
N7EP AZ 3579423.724 3579423.753 0.029 8.10E-09
N7EP/7 AZ 3579423.724 3579423.753 0.029 8.10E-09
W3JW VA 3579423.724 3579423.754 0.030 8.38E-09
W1PW AZ 3579423.724 3579423.778 0.054 1.51E-08
7L4IOU DX 3579423.724 3579423.525 -0.199 5.56E-08
N5LBZ MS 3579423.724 3579423.936 0.212 5.92E-08
K6OQK LAX 3579423.724 3579424.005 0.281 7.85E-08
K9KK OK 3579423.724 3579423.418 -0.306 8.55E-08
W9TJ IL 3579423.724 3579424.095 0.371 1.04E-07
WA4FJC VA 3579423.724 3579424.100 0.376 1.05E-07
W9ZB IN 3579423.724 3579424.106 0.382 1.07E-07
WA2DVU SNJ 3579423.724 3579424.160 0.436 1.22E-07
W7KXB AZ 3579423.724 3579424.176 0.452 1.26E-07
KØMZ KS 3579423.724 3579424.300 0.576 1.61E-07
W0PHD MN 3579423.724 3579424.410 0.686 1.92E-07
N2CUA WNY 3579423.724 3579424.541 0.817 2.28E-07
WBØLXZ KS 3579423.724 3579425.705 1.981 5.53E-07
W4NUS NC 3579423.724 3579421.000 -2.724 7.61E-07
WA2USJ NLI 3579423.724 3580063.333




K5CM 40 Meter second run  - 13:00 UTC

W3JW VA 7079473.925 7079473.936 0.011 1.55E-09
K9KK OK 7079473.925 7079474.026 0.101 1.43E-08
N7EP AZ 7079473.925 7079474.082 0.157 2.22E-08
N7EP/7 AZ 7079473.925 7079474.082 0.157 2.22E-08
N5LBZ MS 7079473.925 7079474.100 0.175 2.47E-08
K6BZZ AZ 7079473.925 7079474.100 0.175 2.47E-08
7L4IOU DX 7079473.925 7079474.110 0.185 2.61E-08
W9ZB IN 7079473.925 7079474.135 0.210 2.97E-08
W1PW AZ 7079473.925 7079474.158 0.233 3.29E-08
N2CUA WNY 7079473.925 7079474.256 0.331 4.68E-08
K6OQK LAX 7079473.925 7079474.280 0.355 5.01E-08
WA2DVU SNJ 7079473.925 7079474.295 0.370 5.23E-08
WA1ABI RI 7079473.925 7079474.296 0.371 5.24E-08
WA4FJC VA 7079473.925 7079474.400 0.475 6.71E-08
K1GGI EMA 7079473.925 7079474.460 0.535 7.56E-08
W9TJ IL 7079473.925 7079474.530 0.605 8.55E-08
W0PHD MN 7079473.925 7079474.572 0.647 9.14E-08
KØMZ KS 7079473.925 7079475.000 1.075 1.52E-07
W4NUS NC 7079473.925 7079475.000 1.075 1.52E-07
W7KXB AZ 7079473.925 7079472.815 -1.110 1.57E-07
WBØLXZ KS 7079473.925 7079475.335 1.410 1.99E-07
KB3MUN WPA 7079473.925 7078656.400




K5CM 20 Meter second run  - 13:15 UTC

K6BZZ AZ 14059252.860 14059252.921 0.061 4.34E-09
W9ZB IN 14059252.860 14059252.952 0.092 6.54E-09
W1PW AZ 14059252.860 14059252.966 0.106 7.54E-09
W3JW VA 14059252.860 14059252.982 0.122 8.68E-09
K9KK OK 14059252.860 14059253.01 0.151 1.07E-08
K1GGI EMA 14059252.860 14059253.041 0.181 1.29E-08
WA1ABI RI 14059252.860 14059253.046 0.186 1.32E-08
WA2DVU SNJ 14059252.860 14059253.059 0.199 1.42E-08
W0PHD MN 14059252.860 14059253.075 0.215 1.53E-08
N5LBZ MS 14059252.860 14059253.130 0.270 1.92E-08
N7EP/7 AZ 14059252.860 14059253.314 0.454 3.23E-08
W9TJ IL 14059252.860 14059253.340 0.480 3.41E-08
W7KXB AZ 14059252.860 14059251.832 -1.028 7.31E-08
WBØLXZ KS 14059252.860 14059254.334 1.474 1.05E-07
G3SVW DX 14059252.860 14059254.890 2.030 1.44E-07
KØMZ KS 14059252.860 14059257.000 4.140 2.94E-07
W4NUS NC 14059252.860 14059260.000 7.140 5.08E-07
7L4IOU DX 14059252.860 14059480.440
KB3MUN WPA 14059252.860 14058399.800





K5CM's 80, 40, and 20 meter signals as copied by WA1ABI, John





Notice the frequency difference in the South East run and the North East run.

At least in this example the direct beam heading (NE) was best for John.





W6OQI's 80 and 40 meter signals as copied by WA1ABI, John


audio/40mWC feb15-2010-wa1abi.wav



K5CM'S 20 meter morning run 

audio/k5cm 20MornCallup_East-by abi.wav


 Notice the QSB riding on the audio waveform.    G3SVW, also commented on this QSB.





This from Earl, N7EP:

You might find the attached screen shot interesting.  With my receiver dial settings and the information from the screen shot, I come up with the FMT frequency. 
The screen shot is of W6OQI's 80 meter run at 9:20 pm MST.  I start with the receiver tuned to 2.499 MHz WWV from which I obtain the receivers 0.189 PPM error by adding the receiver frequency to the sound card frequency and dividing by the WWV frequency.  I do this over the previous several hours to make sure the receiver has stopped drifting and this is just a quick check.
Then I tune the receiver to 3.566 (1 KHz low) and wait for the FMT to start.  Once I hear the FMT signal, I retune the receiver until the signal is in the Spec. Lab 996 to 1005 Hz window and record the receiver dial frequency, in this case 3,566,434 Hz.  This takes about 15 seconds as indicated by the signal not showing on the screen shot until about 21:20:15.  Note that for three minutes, the CW signal has wider sidebands until just after 21:23 when the transmitter carrier is keyed on.
Now for the next three minutes comes the hard part of selecting the real frequency from the almost 2 Hz wide scattered FMT signal.  For reasons I no longer remember, I chose 999.224 Hz from amongst all the scatter as the FMT signal.
Now I do the math.  Add 3,566,434 to 999.224 to get 3,567,433.224 as my uncorrected measured frequency.  Then correct it by subtracting 0.189 PPM or 0.674 Hz to get 3,567,432.550 Hz.  I don't expect to get very close on this FMT, but hopefully will be within .5 Hz.  It is always interesting to see how good or bad my guess was.

Earl's guess was very close this time.... only 5 millihertz off!!!   Good going Earl.





W6OQI's 80 and 40 m signal as received by K5CM

audio/W6OQI feb 15 2010-80M-SHACK-SNIP.wav

audio/W6OQI feb 15 2010-40M-SHACK SNIP.wav







Transmitting equipment used by K5CM for this FMT:

A HP Z3801 GPS frequency source clocks a HP-3336B. A 10 db transistor amp follows and drives a 12BY7 / pair 6146. Then to the final amplifier, a Dentron 2500 running 300 watts out on 80, 40, and 20 meter.  There are no mixers or any device in the chain of amplifiers that might impact the accuracy of the GPS frequency source.  As a reality check,  I periodically log the frequency source against WWV and other GPS referenced sources.  I monitor each transmission with a completely separate receive system to look for any instability or short term drift. The separate system is not locked to the GPS transmitting system, but to another GPS source.

I typically see considerably less than 1 mHz difference at 10 Mhz when comparing  two Z3801's or a Z3801 and a Thunderbolt, over a 10 to10,000 second period. 



80 - Sloping dipole dipole. (favors West, North, East)

 40 - Standard Dipole hanging between two 80 foot towers. (favors East, West)

 20 - 4 element SteppIr 




Current W6OQI FMT transmitting equipment for this FMT:



My Transmitting setup consists of a HP Z3801 clocking a HP 3336B which drives a Johnson Viking I transmitter, the output of which is attenuated by a 6 db attenuator, to then drive an Icom PW-1 amplifier to about 500 watts. The antenna is an inverted Vee which favors north and south from the Los Angeles area.








Note: Because I put the results up quickly, there will be mistakes, so don't hesitate to point them out quickly. 






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