K5CM FMT 0215 October 25 UTC, 2017    Tuesday evening in Oklahoma


Call Section Grid Comments
wa4fjc VA FM08 Tnx Connie   73 Gordon
W4WJ STX EM00mg 40m -100dbm, 80m - 60dbm  TNX Connie!!
VE3GSO ON EN92ix Both strong signals, over S9, with some lightning static also to S9.  Thanks Connie!
N2GL ORE CN85kp Direct readings with HP3586A referenced ti HPZ3816A
W6OQI LAX DM04vf Hot here tonight.  Line voltage is low.  HP3586 had a difficult time getting started.
W9ZB IN EM69 40M signal extremely weak. Guessed at it. 80M ok, but ran out of time before good reading.
N3CRT NNJ FN20 Challenging to grab the second frequency.   Flex-3000
W6BM EB CM87 40 meter second frequency way too short
K3KO NFL EM90 S3 ON 40M, S9 ON 80M.  Raw data. No attempt to guess at Doppler.
AB2UW NLI FN30lu I'll be VERY interested to see how many get <0.1Hz for the audio shift.  I used the Specturm Lab waterfall to display the signals, (shifting the center freq by 170Hz for the 2nd freq).  I then used an HP 3335A into the radio to 'match' the SL display.
K3KO NFL EM90 40 S3 80 S9. Raw data. No attempt to account for Doppler
KB2HSH WNY FN02 Hopefully, with the help given by N3CRT, I'll be a little bit closer than in April. 73 de KB2HSH
K3KO NFL EM90 40M S3, 80M S9  Doppler of 40M problematic
K3OK EPA FN20gr FT-850, fldigi and Speclab. (80m shift 172.07), (40m shift 167.98)
VE3OAT ON FN25eg Pretty sure I screwed up the 40 m run as my numbers didn't "add up right" afterwards.  Good practice, for sure.
WA9VNJ WI EN63af Good sig on 80m but barely audible on 40m.  Thanks for your work on this Connie.
W3JW VA FM17tq 40M delta measured as 168.01 Hz; 80M delta measured as 172.01. Signals on both bands were S9+
KM6QX EB CM87 40m = S7 steady. 80m = S6 with fading. Pixel Loop into Flex6700. Recorded and analyzed with Spectrum Lab.
VE2IQ ON FN15nt Poor condx. K5CM only audible stn on both bands: RST 589 (40), RST 599+10db (80).  80M very unstable. Just wild guess, 1-minute keydowns too short to average out  large fluctuations. Tnx Connie for warmup!
W9GR SV CM99mg Thanks for the practice - now I know to expect the higher frequency immediately.



80 Meters


Call Section Grid K5CM TX LOW K5CM TX HIGH K5CM Difference Low reading High reading Difference Error in Hz
N6RDR ORG DM13cx 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.290 3598176.420 172.13 0.00
KA5QEP OK EM15 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.300 3598176.440 172.14 0.01
K3KO NFL EM90 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.177 3598176.325 172.148 0.02
W4WJ STX EM00mg 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.000 3598176.153 172.153 0.02
WA9VNJ WI EN63af 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.290 3598176.450 172.16 0.03
N3CRT NNJ FN20 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.280 3598176.450 172.17 0.04
K3KO NFL EM90 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.095 3598176.271 172.176 0.05
K3KO NFL EM90 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.094 3598176.271 172.177 0.05
K3OK EPA FN20gr 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598003.810 3598175.880 172.07 0.06
N2GL ORE CN85kp 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.300 3598176.500 172.2 0.07
W9GR SV CM99mg 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.220 3598176.280 172.06 0.07
VE2IQ ON FN15nt 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598003.874 3598176.092 172.218 0.09
W3JW VA FM17tq 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.220 3598176.230 172.01 0.12
VE3GSO ON EN92ix 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598003.544 3598175.544 172 0.13
W6OQI LAX DM04vf 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.300 3598176.300 172 0.13
W6BM EB CM87 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.300 3598176.300 172 0.13
W9ZB IN EM69 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598005.271 3598177.232 171.961 0.17
wa4fjc VA FM08 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.100 3598176.400 172.3 0.17
VE3OAT ON FN25eg 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598003.850 3598176.180 172.33 0.20
KM6QX EB CM87 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.658 3598176.507 171.849 0.28
AB2UW NLI FN30lu 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598004.360 3598176.020 171.66 0.47
KB2HSH WNY FN02 3598004.28 3598176.41 172.13 3598678.830



40 Meters


Call Section Grid K5CM TX LOW K5CM TX HIGH Difference Low reading High reading Difference Error in Hz
W4WJ STX EM00mg 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003 7064171 168 0.01
VE3OAT ON FN25eg 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.16 7064171.13 167.97 0.02
W3JW VA FM17tq 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.14 7064171.15 168.01 0.02
AB2UW NLI FN30lu 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.14 7064171.1 167.96 0.03
wa4fjc VA FM08 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.2 7064171.22 168.02 0.03
VE2IQ ON FN15nt 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.123 7064171.081 167.958 0.03
VE3GSO ON EN92ix 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.26 7064171.21 167.95 0.04
KA5QEP OK EM15 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.35 7064171.4 168.05 0.06
K3KO NFL EM90 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.509 7064171.434 167.925 0.06
K3KO NFL EM90 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.31 7064171.366 168.056 0.07
K3KO NFL EM90 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7063331.007 7063499.067 168.06 0.07
WA9VNJ WI EN63af 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.37 7064171.28 167.91 0.08
W6OQI LAX DM04vf 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.2 7064171.1 167.9 0.09
K3OK EPA FN20gr 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.85 7064171.93 168.08 0.09
W9GR SV CM99mg 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.14 7064171.22 168.08 0.09
N6RDR ORG DM13cx 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.09 7064171.2 168.11 0.12
KM6QX EB CM87 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.587 7064171.707 168.12 0.13
N3CRT NNJ FN20 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064002.53 7064171.04 168.51 0.52
N2GL ORE CN85kp 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064004 7064169 165 2.99
W6BM EB CM87 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064003.3 7064175.3 172 4.01
W9ZB IN EM69 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064168 7064168.171
KB2HSH WNY FN02 7064003.15 7064171.14 167.99 7064508.03





This graph from Steve WA9VNJ.....Thanks.




Transmitting equipment used by K5CM for this FMT:

A HP Z3801 GPS frequency source clocks a HP-3336B. The output is feed to a 10 db transistor amp which drives a 12BY7 / pair 6146. Then to a AL-1500 running about 400 watts.  There are no mixers or any device in the chain of amplifiers that might impact the accuracy of the GPS frequency source.  As a reality check,  I periodically log the frequency source against WWV and other GPS referenced sources.  I monitor each transmission with a completely separate receive system to look for any instability or short term drift. 

I typically see considerably less than 1 mHz difference at 10 Mhz when comparing  two Z3801's or a Z3801 and a Thunderbolt, over a 10 to 10,000 second period. 



160 - Vertical

 80 - Dipole.  (favors West, North, East)

 40 - Standard Dipole hanging between two 80 foot towers. (favors East, West)

 20 - 4el SteppIR at 70'





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